Basketball Court Project

Let’s Shoot Some Hoops…this summer!

Plans are underway for a new expanded high school size basketball court within the Boulder Junction Community Sports & Recreation Area! Removal of the current ½ court facility and the installation of a full size high school court with bleachers, benches, new baskets and new surface in the same location will happen this summer! 

The current location will accommodate expansion to a high school court (84X50), requiring only the removal of 2 large and some smaller trees. There are no physical or environmental barriers to expanding the basketball court.  The estimated cost of the High School Court Expansion Project about $75,000.00.  The Fundraising target has been set at $81,000.00

The Town has made a commitment of $20,000.00 from Room Tax Account and $2,500.00 from Parks & Recreation Fund Account.  All other monies ($38,000) will need to be raised.  A significant Donor Family has been identified and with the Town funds, the amount of donations currently committed represents over 53% of the total estimated cost.  The remaining funds needed would be $38,000-40,000.  With the great community support, this goal should be achieved early this summer!

The Basketball Fund Raising Committee will begin the process of fundraising for this project in March.  As in the past for the playground, the Boulder Junction Community Foundation will be the judiciary for this project. 

Basketball Court Project Timeline

  • August 2023: Discussion with the town Board regarding the Basketball Court
  • Fall of 2023: A bid requested from Pitlick & Wick
  • January 2024 Discussion and approval regarding the Basketball Court with the Town Board.
  • February 22, 2024: Approval of the BJ Community Foundation Agreement for Fundraising
  • March 1: Website updated & Fundraising begins
  • May 23, 2024: Culvers of Arbor Vitae “Family Share Night”  4pm-8pm
  • June 8, 2024: “Hoopalooza” at the Playground/Basketball Court 10am-2pm
  • Cut down trees: TBD in August - September
  • Remove existing court: TBD in August - September
  • Install of new court, baskets & benches: August - September
  • Painting of bleachers: TBD in August - September
  • Installation of walkway: TBD in September or Spring
  • Installation of fencing: TBD in August or September
  • Dedication of court: TBD in May 2025

Basketball Project Fundraising

We have a fundraising plan to raise $43,000 out of a total goal of $84,000 for the expansion of the basketball court of the Boulder Junction Community Park. There will be no tax levy increase to fund this project. The Town of Boulder Junction is contributing $22,500 for this project.*

The thermometer now reflects that we are now at $76,773.51 with pledges and donations which is at 91% of our total goal of $84,000! Only $7,226.49 to go! Let's shoot some hoops this summer!

Funding sources to include:

  • Town Park Board Designated Fund $20,000*
  • Town Room Tax Designated Fund $2,500*
  • Grants and Foundation Donations $18,000
  • Community Donations & Dedications $13,565
  • Community Event Fundraising $4,117
  • Individual Equipment Sponsorships $14,000
  • Brick Sales $4,500

Basketball Court (FUN)-ding Levels

Major Donors

  • $5000+ Slam Dunk
  • $2500-4999- ½ Court Shot
  • $1000-2499- Free Throw
  • $500-999- Lay Up

If you or your business, community organization or your church are interested in a pledging commitment or "matching funds campaign" commitment that would further support our efforts to reach our goals for this community basketball project, please contact the chairperson and co-chair listed below for a confidential discussion about how you can help with the Boulder Junction Community Playground Project:

The Boulder Junction Community Foundation* is the Fiduciary on this Playground Project.  The Boulder Junction Community Foundation is an affiliate of the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin and is a 501(c) (3) federal tax exempt public charity. Donations are fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. “The mission of the Boulder Junction Community Foundation is to preserve and enhance Boulder Junction for present and future generations.”

The 100 x $100 Basketball Court Campaign

100 Individuals Giving $100 to the BJCF will bring our Basketball Court into reality and give us a strong finish!

Naming Opportunities

72" Pro Backboard $4,000 each (1 available)

  • Includes sign and installation

Brick Sale for a Limited Time!

Brick Sale is Back!  For a limited time to build a pathway to the basketball court!

If you missed out on the brick walkway at the playground entrance, now is your chance to
dedicate a brick to your family, friend, or basketball star in your family!

4" X 8" Brick

18-20 characters per line, 4 lines max available
Including characters, punctuation and spaces

8" X 8" Brick

18-20 characters per line, 8 lines max available
Including characters, punctuation and spaces

Basketball Project Volunteering

The Boulder Junction Town Park Board researches all aspects of need for the projects including, theme, equipment, surfacing, and funding resources. We are currently looking to expand the Basketball Committee even more. If you are interested in volunteering for one of the teams outlined below, please fill out the form below.

  • Fundraising
  • Community Communication & PR
  • Finance & Budget
  • Equipment Order, Delivery, and Site Preparation
  • Basketball Installation & Coordination
  • Playground Beautification & Maintenance

Help Us Play Together

Make a tax deductible donation through the Boulder Junction Community Foundation.
(Any Amount / Any Time)