“Let’s Shoot Some Hoops…This Summer!”…needs your help

Posted on July 21, 2024 | Laura Bertch

I am writing to the Boulder Junction Community to thank you for your past donations and your continued support of our Boulder Junction Inclusive Playground these past several years. The high amount of use the playground is receiving and the large amount of pleasure and well-being that is derived from the children’s play is a testament to your generosity! Thank you to our community members and donors!

The Basketball Court project at the Boulder Junction Sports and Recreational Area is in the final stages of fundraising at 91.3% with $76,773 either pledged or donated funds. We are only $7,226 shy of our goal of $84,000.  100% of the funds need to be raised before construction can begin.  

We need your help once again. The Parks Board is appealing to our residents, visitors, organizations and businesses to please consider a donation of any size for this campaign!  The following are suggestions:

  • The inscribed legacy bricks sales are still open and is a great way to support this campaign! This is the last opportunity to advertise your business with a brick, purchase a memorial brick to honor/remember a family member, friend, children, pet or a wonderful way to send a message about fun in the park! …We need approximately 8 more 8” X 8” bricks ($500ea) and up to 29 more 4” x 8” bricks ($250ea) or any combination to complete the walkway. This “Brick Walkway” campaign will be going on for the month of July or until we achieve our goal whichever comes first!
  • Grants and business/organizational donations – We continue to go after grants of any size to fund this project.
  • Donations all add up no matter the amount… $5, $10, $25, $50, plus 100 donations of $100 would accomplish $10,000 rather quickly!
  • Visit our Boulder Junction Park Board website at https://www.boulderatplay.com/basketball-court-project/to review the basketball court plans and other information about giving to this project.

Donations are accepted anytime using the online “Donate” button for “Basketball Court Fund” or mailing your check to: “Boulder Junction Community Foundation*, 200 Washington Street, Suite 120, Wausau, WI 54403. Please mark “Attn: Basketball Fund” on the memo line of your check.

All donations deposited with the Boulder Junction Community Foundation (BJCF)* are eligible for tax deduction*.

Please call me for more information.  We are almost there!  We hope to achieve it by this August to begin the project construction. “Many hands make the load lighter” and the goal is achievable so I hope you can help!

We thank you in advance for your continued support and generosity!

“Let’s Shoot Some Hoops…This Summer!”
Laura Bertch, Park Board Chairperson


*The Boulder Junction Community Foundation is an affiliate of the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin and is a 501(c) (3) federal tax exempt public charity. Donations are fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. The mission of the Boulder Junction Community Foundation is to preserve and enhance Boulder Junction for present and future generations.”